WIWT 2010 Summary

ZOMBIE TRONS x Stylish Blogger Award
- I am the fifth child of six, last daughter.
- Born & bred in Perak, Malaysia. Have an Acheh heritage but quite far up in the family line.
- I'm not skillful at cooking but I love to try :)
- I was diagnosed of cancer on 17th May 2010, 17th May is the date my father passed away when I was 13 years old. He died of lung cancer, and he's not a smoker.
- I'm a seafood lover, but doctor has banned me from eating them since.
- I was once called Daria in high school, due to my emotionless face, LOL.
- I'm actually a senior engineer in a Japanese company.
- TV series that I'm into currently: Gossip Girls, Vampire Diaries, Glee, True Blood, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist,

WIWT: Awkward Leopard


the phone call;
Photo after I just came back from hospital for chemo (last August), has no eyebrows, pale and looking sick. Should’ve atleast worn some make-up, it was a surprise birthday celebration for me by hubby & my friends <3
So, this morning when I was preparing breakfast my phone rang — and as expected Hospital Ampang called (dreadfully). The head nurse said it’s time for my treatment, so I must be admitted tomorrow. But this time it will only be for awhile, I won’t be having another chemo session, this time it’s only for blood collection. Tube insertion to my femoral aka veins high on the thigh on Friday and GSCF shots every day for four days. Then blood collection for one or two days. Then I can go back home and wait for them to arrange all those transplant admission date whatnot.
I wish I didn’t have to go through transplant but I simply MUST do everything that I can to get rid of this cancer. If I don’t do it, what are the chances right? I just can’t forgive myself if I don’t go through this. So anyways, you might not hear any updates from me till later next week. But I’ll still tweet, and maybe …. blog and heck I might still tumblr! :P
Internet addict, pfft!

WIWT: Patterned Jumpsuit