


Rise of the Planet of Apes

Have you watched this movie? Honestly I wasn't feeling like watching it the first time I saw the trailer, it's an animal movie - will it get anymore different? Well then, glad I changed my mind after reading up everyone's tweet about it. Some even say it's much better than Transformers and 'some-other-hyped-movie' COMBINED! What got me more intrigued was that Jezmine tweeted saying it was a sad movie. I wondered why............

I prepared myself if in anycase I would be sad and cry. And oh my God I did, infact I cringed and cried through and through. I despise all the animal cruelty that happened throughout the movie, although those animals weren't real (CGI animation right?) but the feeling it evoke was as real as it can be. I can relate on how Caesar doesn't want to be treated as a pet, because he's as genius as a human being! And when all the apes fought with the humans, couldn't help but feel bad for both sides. I don't want the apes to get hurt, neither do I want the humans to die. Felt like watching the Gulf War and being helpless! If you get what I mean..

Anyways I have to agree, Rise of the Planet of Apes is probably the best movie of the year! And oh hot damn who can deny the hotness of James Franco ;)

Next, Cowboy and Aliens! Can't get over the title! Too funny!! XD


  1. thought the same too. Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a brilliant work. I kept saying, "Oh my God." and rubbed my eyes.

    Cowboys & Aliens however is not worthy to be waited for. It didn't make sense. There's a lot of unexplained events throughout the movie. But you can try to watch it if you want.

  2. so true. that movie memang best sgt. starting dye a bit boring but lamelame it turns to be interesting >.<

    btw. james franco mmg hot hehe.

  3. i heard there will be more movies! it was so good!!

    I read your post on your relapse, and MashaAllah you are so positive!
    i will keep you in my dua, inshaAllah. And remember.. Allah says with hardships will come relief. SO you WILL get your relief habibti (:


  4. my list for next week!!!!
    james franco-- my fashion inspire--


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