What to expect from my booth? Here's a hint:

Chic yellow polkadot chiffon top! Pair it with a wide leg jeans ala moi :)

Pretty pattern gypsy dress, a lot longer but I hiked it up and belt it on my waist. Suitable for UK8-UK12. (ignore my expression)

Swallows! Almost similar to the one Topshop is carrying. I don't know if I'll let this one go. It's too precious!

Checkered dress, fits me like a glove. Probably not gonna sell this one too. How do I decide?!

Grandma-ish floral cherry dress! Longer but belted on my waist so suitable for taller girls. UK6-UK8. I can't believe I'm selling this one. Urgh.
And also all the stuff at
SPUTNIKMERCH, but with discounts up to RM10-RM15 (depends, if you're nice haha). Also some other second hand goods and handbags I didn't take photos of. Stuffs like RM10 tshirts, jackets, sweater, cardigan, LV bag, vintage leather jacket, and lots lots more.
Promise me you'll
come by?
p/s: Sorry if I look haggard, I just came back from work with over 12 hours worth of make-up, a sweaty bod from running here and there changing into these outfits and my hair is not combed. Hah! Worthy link to check out:
Sea of Shoes
I suka yang nombor 3 dan 4. Cantik dengan you.
ReplyDeletei tak suka satu pun. haha.
ReplyDeleteby the way, it will be frigging hot tomorrow. so i expect people to wear simple. tak tau la kalau ada orang datang pakai muffle esok. hihi.
eh. cik ami ada buka booth ka?
@rhona, tu lah i tengah pikir2 ni.. mane satu ntah. but i rase confirm simpan no 4 tu hihi
ReplyDelete@shahril, ala satu pun tak suka? :P~
ReplyDeletetu lah pasal mesti panas gila. ready2 la bawak kipas masing2. i ingat nak short or skirt, but a simple dress would be nice too dontcha think?
ye lah awak, kite dah bagitau banyak2 kali dah soh datang bijou sebab kite bukak booth la wak T__T
oh i hope you tak salah anggap encik shahril... this post is not about what people might wear, but it's about what i might sell in my booth :)
ReplyDeleteoh i see.
ReplyDeletealah. takde untuk lelaki pons.
nyampah ai.
ahihihihi sorry :P
ReplyDeletei nak swallows. bagi discount. i fail.
ReplyDeletebb, don't worry i bagi discount for you *hugs*
ReplyDeleteHey, I am one your silent readers. :)
ReplyDeleteI love all your stuffs that you will be selling tomorrow. Too bad I can't make it coz I have a seminar to go to on Saturday. Will you be there on Sunday?
Babe, I LOVE LOVE the no 3 dress. I wantttttttttt. I don't care how much you're selling. :D
hi allo....
ReplyDeletethis is the deal...
masuk nie... dah 4 blog yang ckp pasal bijou sensation nie...
Only problem is kat mana benda alah nie haah?
Aku suka benda murah, sumpah.
p/s : im not a gay crossdresser or anything.
@shitlessscare, eh babe u jumpe blogspot i eh hehe. babe i'm sorry that swallow dress is sold already. do visit the-shoplifters.blogspot.com for more updates!
ReplyDelete@floyd *tepuk dahi* rasa2nya dah link pun bijoubazaar.blogspot.com kat dlm entri. pastu dah tulih kat komen jugak... sorry lah you missed it! but fret not, there's something similar happening this weekend at Capsquared :)
ReplyDeleteOk. Please dont kill me or anything...
ReplyDeletebut where the hell is capsquare?
Sorry for being such a location idiot but aku nak beli hadiah b'day untuk my lil' baby sis.
of coz since being it's the baby sis and all. Cheaper is better!
One last thing, you guys take plastic or just cold hard-earned cash?
no need plastic punye.. cold hard cash better. check info event tu kat sini eh :)