KLCC Playground, somewhere around early 2006.

Radio Malaya @ KLPAC 22/04/2006

Siapa si kurus jongang tu?
(still jongang though, FAIL. Ada lagi sekeping gambar yang sangat lah gila gaban tahap kekurusan aku. Nah link!)
I refuse to believe this was two years ago, I mean a LOT has changed! Seriously.
Wondermilk, cuppacake show 04 26/11/2008
Hmm, dah lama tak bergambar bersama siput dan budak kecik melayang.
Tonight was suppose to be special but :(
i suka apa perempuan jongang sikit-sikit. kadang-kadang nampak manis walaupun tak perfect.
ReplyDeleteand shuz looked soooooooo young and innocent!
ReplyDeletecam best jer ltak gmbar2 lama. gmbar2 skolah xde? hehe
ReplyDeleteAmi sgt comel ok. Ami juga sangat baik hati dan saya sangat sukakan Ami. *peluk-peluk Ami*
ReplyDeleteadd kita kat ym reus. senang.
ReplyDeleteym: rysaoki
shuz gemok!
ReplyDeletehahahaha, ada banyak lagi gambar extra fats dia.. ni baru sikit!
ReplyDeletehihi ;)
ReplyDeletesekarang terbalik dah kan
Shuz kurus, Ami berisi
NO! Not gemuk
awwww, ferdows is being sweet? ololololo boleh tahan la! eh, kitorg dah ada men's collection. beli jangan tak beli :D
ReplyDeletei nampak muda gila okay.
dh lama tu!
gmbr band tkdak?
ye lah ni dah bertahun2 dulu.. lol
ReplyDeletegambar2 band ada tapi malas la nak taruk semua gambar sni hehe
ReplyDeleteye kita nak. this sunday? okay :)
ReplyDeletefuck you guys! tapi tu lah i used to have tits. now tinggal mounting board.
ReplyDeleterindu radio malaya. first time jumpa loverboy hihihi.