Remember my trip with the Butterfly Bloggers to Lost World of Tambun last month? Here's Part 1 and lo & behold this is Part 2 :)
Yeay we're finally here! Can't tell you how huge of anticipation for us to finally to be there and get wet! Okay, the get wet part might be just me, I'm a butterfly who cannot swim therefore I shall float. LOL XD
One #TambunSelfie from my Casio Exilim TR15 ♥
1) Did you know that Lost World of Tambun is part of Sunway Group? Yeah the same one in Sunway, PJ ofcourse hehe. 2) Ticket Price: Adult RM48 / Children (12 years old & below) RM41 and toddler below 12 gets in for free. 3) DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah signed & sealed the Lost World of Tambun for it's opening, my favorite handsome Sultan ♥ 4) You can literally get lost in this maze of Lost World of Tambun!
Ooops, before we move further in to the Theme Park, I wanna show you our room! OUR room because I have a pretty roomie to share it with... Guess who?
Super pretty & fashionable beauty blogger Shazwani Hamid! Check out her outfit, she even wore stilettos the entire time we were train-riding. Mad respect!
We walked towards Lost World Hotel which was exactly on the opposite side of the road from Lost World Tambun Theme Park.
Details on the hotel & rooms (via agoda)
Make your online reservation HERE.
Signing up to get our room cards, everyone was super exhausted by this time because we actually went on tour & played treasure hunting at the Theme Park before our check-in!
Finally a bed to fell plop on! Hehe.. Looks super cozy and it indeed was ♥
Obviously I'm in need of better skills of taking interior of a hotel photos. What's more important is that everything is clean, in place & provided accordingly for two guests in a room - two robes, two set of towels, two slippers, two sets of dental kits, two mugs, an assortment of coffee or tea & a water heater and TV. As usual if you need an iron to iron out your tudung or clothes, just ring up the hotel service and they'll send the iron and it's iron table. Would've been better if it's provided before we asked for it but hey no biggie! I had a really good night sleep, and oh my Thank God for free wifi like seriously! ♥
Aside from the room, let's check out the breakfast service? Breakfast at Lost World of Tambun Theme Park's, right next to the entrance. A whimsical gate to Garden Terrace:
Quite a large variety of foods to choose from, which I love.. and they also prepared fresh fruits, which I love hehe. The porridge and it's savory selection is delectable, perfectly poached eggs, nasi goreng and so many more. Me & Wani arrived rather late for breakfast, so we filled up our table with foods when they said the service is closing. Mihmihmih..
Happy kenyang faces ♥
Oh hey check this out, just came in the mail. If hotel rooms are not your forte, why not try sleeping under the stars?
More info on Lost World Hotel here.
Stay tuned for my final part of Lost World of Tambun trip where I finally reveal all our activities and fun stuffs at the Theme Park, Petting Zoo, Hot Springs & Spa and so much more! Special thanks to:
Henry Lee of I AM STUDIO for photos
♥ ♥ ♥

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