Now that we're here, let's finally explore inside!
You'll see the man-made beaches right in front of you once you come in.
Walk to the right and you'll see the Theme Park on your right.
So much fun!
Excited and happy!
Did you know that Kepura Cave is an actual natural cave, not man-made? It's all so mysterious and whimsical at the same time, eating lunch in a real bat-cave (well no signs of bat, they're probably out working for Batman lulz). Love how Lost World of Tambun staffs decorated the place with fairy lights fixture and such. And the cave was cold, just what we needed after walking around in the heat of the day. You can definitely rent out the place for a big corporate meetings or fun family activities. The management people gave a welcoming speech and explained to us all about Lost World of Tambun and it's attractions while we munch giddily on the food the chef prepared. Turns out all the video and speech were clues for our next activity - a treasure hunt! ZOMG WHY NEVER TELL EARLY ONE? :O

But first! We'll be getting a tour of the place! Chooo choooo, all aboard the Lost World of Tambun Train..
First stop, The Petting Zoo!!
The birds right outside the Petting Zoo, so careless & free ♥
Raccoon greeting us with the helpful tour guide of the Petting Zoo. You can even feed the raccoon from your hands, with his food from the tour guide ofcourse :)
And then..... we walked into the Serpentarium, can you guess what's inside ssssssss?
They definitely give me the creeps, even just by seeing the photos....
Above our head zomg fuhh semangat masyaAllah ya Tuhan!
Well he's a charming looking one :)
Walk faster, walk faster!
*knock knock* Hello, anybody hooooooome? Sleep only ha?! *runs away*
Why must the put them above our heads, what if the ceiling broke and we get mauled by Giant Stingrays?? Though I've heard that Stingrays are docile animals and quite gentle.. Well doesn't make it less scary, no? LOL me..
"I am the handsome mohawk guy around here, kapish?"
Ah the birds, the birds were very very friendly.. or hungry. Or both? :)
Best pictures of me & the whimsical peacocks.. They probably don't poke people but I'm not as brave to let them claw my hands uhukhuk *scaredy cat!*
Cutest lil birdie everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Sabrina Sabrina, let me lick you a lil, plsssssssssssssss.... - Mr. Snake.
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! Story of a 'kampung girl' who moved to the city to study & work and came back to hometown and get to feed a deer.... In a Petting Zoo...
Berus sabut... Naw, just kidding! It's a sleeping hedgehog. Dontcha just wanna pinch him!
We boarded the train again and was suddenly transported to the past. Tin mining is one of the oldest industries in Malaya and Ipoh “The City that Tin Built”, became the meeting point of all the commercial centers of the Kinta Valley. Lost World Tin Valley aims to educate today’s generation in the rich heritage of tin mining in Ipoh. Hence the latest attraction in the form of a Tin Mining area which is equipped with a life-sized palung (sluice box), an original gravel pump monitor and a large area for young visitors to experience “Dulang Washing”(Tin Ore Panning) just like the good old days.
The dulang was used to scoop up the earth, mixed with water and by careful swirling of the water, the mud was swept away and the heavier tin ore remained. Kids will have the opportunity to experience ‘dulang washing’— the art of using a dulang to extract tin from the earth and sand.
Afterwards, we get to have our tea under a cave in the area. It's called Dulang Tea House ♥
Gosh, I really miss the old school menu of black coffee, poached eggs and rock hard bread aka biskut lutut and some bread with margarine too.. I wish I could go back to Lost World of Tambun and just have that! (after getting wet and playing all the water attraction ofcourse teheee)
But ofcourse right after we pumped our body with foods and caffeine we were told to get ready for a
We were told to take group photos at each checkpoint, every member one group photo. I felt like dying because we couldn't skip the questions so we were sent to north then south then east then back north and west and the torture goes on. Luckily I have such fun team mates - Tammy, Caroline, Mira, Innanie! ♥ The catch was the faster we finish, the faster we get to check into our room.. Oh the joy of it all!
After finishing the treasure hunt, we cleaned ourselves up and changed into our wet suit. Me & Wani decided to hit the water theme park before they closes at 6pm and play as many attractions as we could, we do wish we had more time though :( no pictures of me screaming my down the water tunnel but hey who wants to see that right? LOL.. afterwards we hit Ipoh Street, for some old school tau fu fah and pomelo juice drink (they added soda!).
Night-time came and soon enough we were emerging ourselves into the hot spring spa like a group of mermaids! The Crystal Pool at Lost World Hot Springs & Spa is specially designed with crystal tiles that glimmers reflecting the sunlight by day. And by night the Crystal Pool will be bathed in colorful lights which would make a dip in this pool interesting and relaxing. This Crystal Pool can also be privately reserved as a VIP pool. For private function at the Crystal Pool, please contact 05 542 8888 for booking and enquiries
We were also entertained with a fortune teller, and a service of Coffee Body Scrub & Body Mask from Crystal Spa at Lost World of Tambun.
OMG the back and upper body massage was so so gooood. Also by Crystal Spa.
Crystal Spa is just right around the corner near Crystal Pool. Crystal Spa is a spa facility where visitors can enjoy body therapy at a nominal charge. The spa offers aromatherapy and head & shoulder massage within the privacy and comfort of your own massage hut. Treat yourself to an invigorating massage of your choice and feel rejuvenated from the inside out. Crystal spa is open from 3pm – 11pm.
The Foot Spa is a unique pool of reflexology pebbles fitted to the floor. Visitors can walk on the pebbles while enjoying the hot springs water soothing their feet. Reflexology targets pressure points on your feet and generally helps in stress reduction and also stimulates the lymphatic system thus reducing risk of infection. It cleanses the body of toxins and impurities and also stimulates the production of endorphins, leading to an improved immune system and sense of well-being.
The Saphira’s Lair is specially created for children, portraying a virtual world complete with luminous and colorful light to illuminiate the glowing rain forest. When the sun sets in the evening, the luminous lights take its place at the Lost World Hot Springs and Spa. Not only children get to spend quality time with their families and friends too can benefit from the hot springs water and its healing properties. Enjoy this spectacular world beyond imagination. The temperatures of the water is ranging from 37-40ºC.
Finally when the night ended and we wore our mask on from the travel beauty kit, slept like a baby and woke up to a wonderful breakfast; it's time to say good bye and check-out :(
Time to hit the souvenir shop before heading home, so many cute stuffed toys and hats!
Finally saying our goodbyes to Ipoh and headed back to KL with KTM Berhad. I had such a lovely time with all the girls & boys from Butterfly Bloggers Project. Special thanks to:
Henry Lee of I AM STUDIO for photos
Don't forget to check out:
♥ ♥ ♥

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