This happened, I grew up and pop goes both of my wisdom teeth on the lower level which decided to erupted at the same time and impacting the teeth beside it. That's not my X-ray by the way, just something from google to show you. It sure damn hurt when they first came out.
So my good looking & nice dentist, Dr. Anas who wanted to sponsor me with braces didn't wanna risk removing my teeth due to my disease. Since I do have blood disease, it's plausible to think so. Upon his coercion *heh* I finally went back to Hospital Ampang, I did a walk-in to the Hematology Clinic and got my blood drawn for testing after like 7/8 months.
WBC aka white blood cells 74.1 (normal 4 -11)
And then they decided to flush my 'ancient' chemoport which admittedly needed it anyways since I haven't flushed it since God knows when. Okay that one is bad behaviour no one should follow.
FYI, that white thingy is planted under my skin so that nurses can insert the needles and catheter for easy transfusion. The pain I felt during needle insertion hmm 'senak sikit la rasa'.. but once the needle is in, it's so much better and freeing than having a catheter on your hands seriously. Chemo ports only last for 5 years though and mine is already about 3 1/2 years.
I had my lunch along with a bag of bloody A+. A dear cancer fighter friend, Aliaa humored me about blood trait personality which is common among Japanese:
Funny right? What's your blood type and ketsuegikata personality trait?
Chemo ARA-C day 2. Post Chemo Day2, I was feeling extra tired and doc noted I looked pale.
After Naz picked me up, we went to Bangsar to run some errands and already I can feel the weight of the killer drugs doing it's thing on me. Nothing I'm not familiar with but still..
I only had one last chemo to do, no blood transfusion today. Though I was worried was it gonna be enough to stabilize my blood numbers. Got the the line done on my right hand today, a whole lot difficult to move around and especially type on the phone with a leftie.
After I came back home, I felt really drowsy so I slept and woke up in the evening for lunch. Then I noticed I was feeling chilly so I put on a pair of socks and hooded sweater. Little that I know that was the beginning of a horrible high temp & delirious fever I've ever had. I didn't even know when Mak help changed me into shirt and pants, all I know I would wake up very weakly every few seconds calling out for Naz and my body was so weak I needed help to go to the bathroom. I didn't even know why I was rambling for Naz eventhough he was by my side all the time. I had the worst splitting and menacing headache, sleeping was not an option! Finally after cooling me down with wet towel, with tamarind juice, blind feeding me with food (porridge and some fish) which I can barely remember, have me drink a garlic tea concoction (which I drank profusely).... and I could only remember how heart broken I felt when Naz told me,"This is the second Paracetamol your taking tonight okay?" I just couldn't believe myself but I took it anyways.. Naz said I slept much better afterwards.
No fever yet since that Friday night alhamdulillah.
A cold sore propped up on my lips yesterday morning, and during my check-up this morning doc said it's normal for dormant virus to become aggressive as your body's immune system weakens. I'm also a lil sad that the oncologist recommended I take a stronger oral chemo medication (compared to the ones I've taken before) and I might have to continue with blood transfusion every 2 weeks. Did a blood check today and my RESULT:
WBC 45
Platelet 33
Hgb 8.8
Oh by the way, the doc said the high WBC count could be from my body trying to prevent from any infection happening when my wisdom teeth was erupting. Honestly aside from the aches and bulging chipmunks cheeks, there was no puss or infection so for that I'm glad. But creating too much WBC is very dangerous for me, a leukaemia patient... Thinking about it is giving me a headache.
Still pretty unstable... Ah well, I'm gonna continue with healthy eating and what not. Probably try acupuncture again, mandi bunga, mandi ais semua lah.. Pray I have the strength to fight through, pray I will become healthier.. Insya Allah ♥

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